MY HOMEPAGE! My own horrific website! If you're really desperately bored (and you'd have to be) you can read lots of my other crap in there... there's also game reviews, rants, and stacks of assorted shit. It's a nice big fat waste of time that I never update.
A moog, a pr0n star, a mad jailbait scientist (who's a lesbian), a bad punkette chick... and a really annoying faerie This is the comic that inspired me to do Space Wagon. Poe, you are God. Yes, really him.
WendyComic This is also inspires me... although I find myself liking CuteWendy less and less. More Lucy! DANGER: NAKKID PPL
Home of the World's Greatest Buck Cake! Ghastly's humble comic which is finally getting the attention it deserves. DANGER: SAUCY
Adorable chibichibichibi comic from the equally adorable Mika... er... Meekerz. (any resrmblrnce between artist and character is a coincidence and purely intentional). DANGER: CUTE
ON Video Roscoe Mathieu's lil comic. He helped on the EN forum to refine my ideas for Space Wagon - to the point that he seems more proud of it than me.
I am, you know I am! A collection of links to other Canadian-authored webcomics. W00t!
PANIC! v2.0 I'm a 'guerilla' comic! And I'm hilarious (but then so is everything else!)
CHRONIC GAMER'S ASSOCIATION While I can't approve of anyone who calls their girlfriend 'babe', I do have to hand it to CGA for making Unreal Tourny so appealing I've started playing it again.
A comic about those rare, special chickies who can eat 10 (sorry, 8) bean burritos, kick your ass at Perfect Dark and still be sexy as hell. I wish I could draw this well!

Feeling nice? Link me!

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